There is a tremendous amount that I don’t know about the graffiti world in New York City. But from my observations, it seems that some neighborhoods are more willing to create installations and mural memorials not only mourning a death but also to acknowledge and celebrate the life lived. In some other neighborhoods, if a memorial is created, many stay up for only a day or two, seeming to say: let’s move on and not dwell on the tragedy.

Bronx-based graffiti artists TATS Cru started writing graffiti on city trains and walls in the 1980s. The current members of TATS Cru are Bio, BG183, Nicer and they have created a successful commercial business as professional graffiti muralists.

What is really interesting to www.memorialsnewyork.com are the many memorial and tribute murals they have done in the city, especially the Bronx.
Day to day life in some Bronx neighborhoods can have tremendous challenges and there are memorials and tributes on many streets and walls. The murals can stay up for years. TATS Cru is a big contributor as they have created memorials to local residents, famous artists/celebrities and tragic community events. They are motivated by pride and love for their community and to the importance of remembering.
The New York Times recently had a slide show about the collaboration of TATS Cru and FX Crew to create a memorial mural for the graffiti artist PER ONE.
If you have any comments in regards to the Bronx, memorials, and TATS Cru, don't hesitate to contact me.